Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sungai Lembing 3 days 2 nites trip on 17th - 19th Oct

Hi all,

As per plan, Traveler Network is organizing Sg. Lembing trip on 17th – 19th Oct which falls on Deepavali Festival. No leaves to apply is require.

3 days / 2 nights (RM360/per person)
Including -
- Super VIP bus transportation
- 8/10 persons sharing room (air-condition & bathroom attached)
- Daily meals (2 breakfast + 2 BBQ/steamboat/Set Dinner) at Sg Lembing
- Guided tour to visit Hanging Bridge, Panorama Lembing Hill, Museum, Old Mining Tunnel, Panching Cave and Pandan Waterfall.
- Rainbow Waterfall transportation + light lunch (waterfall mee )

Day 1:
Departs from Penang at 6am. Stopping somewhere for breakfast around 8am. After breakfast, proceed to Batu Cave and lunch. Few interesting places to be added if time permitted and on schedule. Upon arrived Sungai Lembing around 6pm, team will be leaded to walk across the Hanging Bridge and reach resort for check-in. BBQ or steamboat or set dinner will be served. After dinner, free and easy or enjoying karaoke session or play mahjong. (Roasted pork only available on every Saturday and sure I will bring the team for that before dinner.)

Day 2:
Early morning at 5:30am, everyone will be leaded to track up to Panorama Lembing Hill (45 min) to watch the beautiful sunrise and sea cloud. After return back to resort and enjoy the breakfast. Team will be leaded to visit Sungai Lembing Museum, Old Mining Tunnel. Back to resort, team may try the local food or Lembing famous Bean curd Noodle at Lembing food court (own cost). After lunch, team will visit to Pancing Cave and Pandan Waterfall.

Day 3:
Early morning at 5:30am, depart to food court for breakfast and team will be leaded and transfer to Rainbow Waterfall and pass through jungle track (1 hr) by lori, upon arrived parking bay, take another 45min walk to waterfall. You may see the rainbow on the wall of the hill when sun shining of the rising sun. Take rest and enjoy cool water swimming. Light lunch will be served. Back to resort and check-out. Journey back to Penang.

Please contact KK or YY at

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