Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nepal Trip (17th - 27th October 2009)

Nepal itinerary as stated below :-
Duration :- 11 days (require 16 pax to kick off the trip to cover the total cost)

Closing Date 4th Oct 2009

Total cost person :- RM 3,500

2 options :- those who do not like hiking can go to Chitwan National Park follow Group A. Those love hiking follow Group B. My suggestion if u all can hike please follow hiking group couse the journey is really beautiful and amazing...u sure gonna love it...
Flight :- Thai Airways ex-Penang to Bangkok to Kathmandu (we might change to Royal Nepal which fly from KL to Kathmandu if we cannot get Thai Airways. If we do change might get some refund back depends whether the cost difference can cover the Air Asia flight return from Penang - KL and 1 night accommodation in KL)

Day 1 (D)
Depart Penang via TG426 at 8.20am. Arrived in Bangkok 9.00am and depart at 10.35am to Kathmandu. Arrival Kathmandu Airport at 12.45pm and transfer to Guest house. Visit Kathmandu Durbar Square. Overnight at Kathmandu.

Day 2 (B, D)
Kathmandu valley sightseeing - Buddhanath Stupa, Pashupatinath Temple, Swyambhunath Stupa & Patan City. Overnights at Kathmandu.

Day 3 (B, D)
Early morning make a trip to Bhaktapur City. After lunch, drive to Nagarkot and free & easy walking around the village. Overnights at Nagarkot.

Day 4 (B, L, D)
After breakfast drive to Chitwan by private vehicle. The team will split – Group A continues in Chitwan and overnights. Another Group B will continue to Pokhara.

Day 5 (B, L, D)
Group A in Chitwan.

Day 6 (B, L, D)
Group A in Chitwan.

Day 7 (B, D)
Group A come to Pokhara by tourist bus. Overnite at Pokhara

Day 8 (B, L, D)
One day trip to Sarangkot Naudanda (some minor trekking) and back to Pokhara. Overnite at Pokhara

Day 4 (B, D)
Trekking Group B arrived late in the evening in Pokhara. Overnights at Pokhara.

Day 5 (B, L, D)
Trekking to Ulleri. Overnights at Ulleri.

Day 6 (B, L, D)
Trekking to Ghorepani. Overnights at Ghorepani.

Day 7 (B, L, D)
Early morning hike to Poon Hill to watch sunrise, after that continue trekking to Ghandrung. Overnights at Ghandrung.

Day 8 (B, L, D)
Trekking to Nayapul and drive by bus to Pokhara and meet the rest of Group A. Overnights at Pokhara.

Day 9 (B, D)
Boating on the Phewal Lake and Stupa hike and rest in Pokhara. Overnights at Pokhara.

Day 10 (B,D)
Tourist bus back to Kathmandu . On the way have a Rafting at Trishuli River for 2-3 hours. Overnights at Kathmandu.

Day 11 (B)
After breakfast, free & easy to walk around Thamel for shopping. Prepare to transfer to airport and flight departs at 1.50pm. Arrived Bangkok 6.25pm and depart to Penang at 7.40pm. Arrived Penang 10.25pm. Home Sweet Home.

Cost includes:
- Kathmandu international Arrival & Departure transfer
- 3 nights Hotel in Kathmandu- 2 Star on Twin Sharing basis with Breakfast
- 3 nights Hotel in Pokhara- 2 Star on Twin Sharing basis with Breakfast
- 1 night hotel in Nagarkot – 2 Star on twin sharing basis with breakfast
- Round Trip Kathmandu- Pokhara- Kathmandu by Tourist bus
- Round Trip Pokhara- Nayapul- Pokhara by HIACE
- An experienced and Professional English Tour Guide from - Arrival to Final Departure
- Porters (1 porter between 2 pax basis, max 25kgs) from Pokhara- Whole trek- Pokhara
- 4 days & 3 nights trek with Twin Share Lodges
- Accommodations with free choices of meals from Lodges food menu
- 4 days & 3 nights Chitwan with twin sharing lodges accommodation with free meals all the days
- All necessary taxes and entrance fees
- Annapurna Trek permit and TIMS card

Cost excludes:
- Nepal Visa( 25 USD)
- Insurance
- Lunch in Kathmandu & Pokhara as per Itinerary and during Bus travel
- Hot showers, battery charges
- Personal nature’s expenses like Alcoholics drinks, cold drinks, drinking water

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