Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nepal Trip (17th - 27th October 2009)

Nepal itinerary as stated below :-
Duration :- 11 days (require 16 pax to kick off the trip to cover the total cost)

Closing Date 4th Oct 2009

Total cost person :- RM 3,500

2 options :- those who do not like hiking can go to Chitwan National Park follow Group A. Those love hiking follow Group B. My suggestion if u all can hike please follow hiking group couse the journey is really beautiful and amazing...u sure gonna love it...
Flight :- Thai Airways ex-Penang to Bangkok to Kathmandu (we might change to Royal Nepal which fly from KL to Kathmandu if we cannot get Thai Airways. If we do change might get some refund back depends whether the cost difference can cover the Air Asia flight return from Penang - KL and 1 night accommodation in KL)

Day 1 (D)
Depart Penang via TG426 at 8.20am. Arrived in Bangkok 9.00am and depart at 10.35am to Kathmandu. Arrival Kathmandu Airport at 12.45pm and transfer to Guest house. Visit Kathmandu Durbar Square. Overnight at Kathmandu.

Day 2 (B, D)
Kathmandu valley sightseeing - Buddhanath Stupa, Pashupatinath Temple, Swyambhunath Stupa & Patan City. Overnights at Kathmandu.

Day 3 (B, D)
Early morning make a trip to Bhaktapur City. After lunch, drive to Nagarkot and free & easy walking around the village. Overnights at Nagarkot.

Day 4 (B, L, D)
After breakfast drive to Chitwan by private vehicle. The team will split – Group A continues in Chitwan and overnights. Another Group B will continue to Pokhara.

Day 5 (B, L, D)
Group A in Chitwan.

Day 6 (B, L, D)
Group A in Chitwan.

Day 7 (B, D)
Group A come to Pokhara by tourist bus. Overnite at Pokhara

Day 8 (B, L, D)
One day trip to Sarangkot Naudanda (some minor trekking) and back to Pokhara. Overnite at Pokhara

Day 4 (B, D)
Trekking Group B arrived late in the evening in Pokhara. Overnights at Pokhara.

Day 5 (B, L, D)
Trekking to Ulleri. Overnights at Ulleri.

Day 6 (B, L, D)
Trekking to Ghorepani. Overnights at Ghorepani.

Day 7 (B, L, D)
Early morning hike to Poon Hill to watch sunrise, after that continue trekking to Ghandrung. Overnights at Ghandrung.

Day 8 (B, L, D)
Trekking to Nayapul and drive by bus to Pokhara and meet the rest of Group A. Overnights at Pokhara.

Day 9 (B, D)
Boating on the Phewal Lake and Stupa hike and rest in Pokhara. Overnights at Pokhara.

Day 10 (B,D)
Tourist bus back to Kathmandu . On the way have a Rafting at Trishuli River for 2-3 hours. Overnights at Kathmandu.

Day 11 (B)
After breakfast, free & easy to walk around Thamel for shopping. Prepare to transfer to airport and flight departs at 1.50pm. Arrived Bangkok 6.25pm and depart to Penang at 7.40pm. Arrived Penang 10.25pm. Home Sweet Home.

Cost includes:
- Kathmandu international Arrival & Departure transfer
- 3 nights Hotel in Kathmandu- 2 Star on Twin Sharing basis with Breakfast
- 3 nights Hotel in Pokhara- 2 Star on Twin Sharing basis with Breakfast
- 1 night hotel in Nagarkot – 2 Star on twin sharing basis with breakfast
- Round Trip Kathmandu- Pokhara- Kathmandu by Tourist bus
- Round Trip Pokhara- Nayapul- Pokhara by HIACE
- An experienced and Professional English Tour Guide from - Arrival to Final Departure
- Porters (1 porter between 2 pax basis, max 25kgs) from Pokhara- Whole trek- Pokhara
- 4 days & 3 nights trek with Twin Share Lodges
- Accommodations with free choices of meals from Lodges food menu
- 4 days & 3 nights Chitwan with twin sharing lodges accommodation with free meals all the days
- All necessary taxes and entrance fees
- Annapurna Trek permit and TIMS card

Cost excludes:
- Nepal Visa( 25 USD)
- Insurance
- Lunch in Kathmandu & Pokhara as per Itinerary and during Bus travel
- Hot showers, battery charges
- Personal nature’s expenses like Alcoholics drinks, cold drinks, drinking water

Traveler Network

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sandy Lam 09 Live vs Makan-Makan Trip in KL

Hi all,

Traveler Network is organizing 2days makan-makan trip conjunction with Sandy Lam Concert. You can choose either attending concert or continue makan-makan at Sai Sai Kee Japenise Buffet and happy hours with the gang together for the rest to come back from concert.Price for the trip to be determine once we have finalize the transportation and accommodation cost.

沒看過她的演唱會,就不算真正享受過Live的感覺;由Marctensia與UCSI Communications聯合主辦,[林憶蓮09 KL演唱會]將在11月28日(星期六)晚上8時正假武吉加里爾室內體育館魅力引爆。繼2002年及2006年雲頂演唱會後,事隔3年,林憶蓮終於破天荒于‘山下'開唱,準備以國際級的舞臺、服裝造型、燈光視覺音效、勁歌熱舞及大家耳熟能詳的首首金曲回饋大馬樂迷。 出道至今,林憶蓮稱得上是少數從香港樂壇橫跨至臺灣樂壇的知名權威女歌手,無論是廣東或華語歌曲都拿捏得恰到好處,在香港、臺灣、中國、大馬甚至全亞洲等地區的女歌手排行榜中也占有一席之地。此外,Sandy也被視為都市女性代言人,同時被認同為90年代同志最愛女歌手之一。 不僅如此,作為中文流行歌壇的殿堂級天后,娛樂圈中許多歌手及藝人也封Sandy為心目中的偶像。大馬情歌天后梁靜茹視Sandy為心目中最喜愛的歌手;張敬軒在大馬演唱會及香港拉闊音樂會中狂唱林憶蓮的經典名曲;新一代歌后謝安琪希望像偶像林憶蓮在演唱會中多唱歌少說話;而Eason陳奕迅和林憶蓮惺惺相惜,首度合作坦言自己太幸運了,終于‘恨’到與偶像同臺合作; 為了答謝歌迷們的鼎力支持及考量當前全球經濟低靡,貼心的主辦單位Marctensia與UCSI Communications正積極安排Sandy提前於10月份來馬造勢並會見歌迷,亦決定以特價讓更多朋友有機會親臨演唱會現場,感受與見證林憶蓮的歌唱魅力及實力!演唱會票價分別為RM68、RM108、RM168、RM228、RM298及RM368 (以上票價皆為對號入座)。超值票價外加優厚條件、附設冷氣設備及不怕風吹雨打的室內體育館絕對可以堪稱2009最值回票價的優質演唱會。繼廣州演唱會後,Sandy於昆明舉辦的演唱會也精心增設了不同於廣州的特別橋段與電影組曲,稍後的澳門演唱會亦將配合澳門的風土民情在曲目上作出改變。換言之,2009林憶蓮唯一一場吉隆坡演唱會的重金包裝絕不打折,演唱曲目更將專為大馬歌迷精心設計. 若想現場聆聽[愛上一個不回家的人]、[傷痕]、[灰色]、[至少還有你]等首首非聽不可的憶蓮至Hit金曲,那就趕快撥打03-20921199或瀏覽www.marctensia.com 以了解更多有關[林憶蓮09 KL演唱會]相關消息.

If you haven't watched the concert of Sandy Lam before, then you haven't really enjoyed the feeling of 'live.' Jointly organized by Marctensia and UCSI Communications, Sandy Lam 09 Live in KL will kick off on Saturday, 28 Nov 2009, 8pm at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil. After 2002 and 2006 shows in Genting, Sandy will deliver for the first time ever, her full live concert performance in Kuala Lumpur, fully encompasses a state-of-art production and her cross generation signature hit songs throughout the night.Sandy is one of the very few leading Divas from Hong Kong of the Chinese Music Industry to be able to crossover between canto and mando pop with her critically acclaimed distinguished vocals, rendering her the top female singer in the region that includes Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Malaysian and Singapore. Sandy is also billed by the media as one of the spokeswoman for modern urban women.Not only that, being the cross generation female singer, Sandy is also idols to many leading young singers. For instance, Malaysia's no. 1 singer, Fish Leung expressed that Sandy is her most favourite singer of all time. Hins Cheung at his concert, sang Sandy's song throughout the show while Kay Tse, another popular new idol, imitates Sandy at her concert and the current canto-pop no. 1, Eason Chan announced on stage that he finally got to duet with his Idol, Sandy Lam.In view of the current worldwide economy downturn and to reward Malaysian music fans, the thoughtful Joint Organisers: Marctensia and UCSI Communications are working out most reasonable ticket prices and at the same time, promise to bring Sandy herself to meet the fans before the concert in October. The ticket prices are categorized into RM68, RM108, RM168, RM228, RM298 and RM368; all numbered seated.With great value pricing for the concert tickets along with an indoor air-conditioned venue to cater for an Artiste with substance, Sandy Lam 09 Live in KL is sure the most money's worth concert of 2009! From Hong Kong to Toronto, Las Vegas and Melbourne to Guangzhou, Macau and now to Kuala Lumpur, Sandy Lam carefully picks songs that suit the locals, thus we can expect a custom made concert of hit songs all though the night for her Malaysian fans who have been growing together with her.For further information, please contact Marctensia at 03 2092 1199 or log on to http://www.marctensia.com/.

Traveler Network

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sungai Lembing 3 days 2 nites trip on 17th - 19th Oct

Hi all,

As per plan, Traveler Network is organizing Sg. Lembing trip on 17th – 19th Oct which falls on Deepavali Festival. No leaves to apply is require.

3 days / 2 nights (RM360/per person)
Including -
- Super VIP bus transportation
- 8/10 persons sharing room (air-condition & bathroom attached)
- Daily meals (2 breakfast + 2 BBQ/steamboat/Set Dinner) at Sg Lembing
- Guided tour to visit Hanging Bridge, Panorama Lembing Hill, Museum, Old Mining Tunnel, Panching Cave and Pandan Waterfall.
- Rainbow Waterfall transportation + light lunch (waterfall mee )

Day 1:
Departs from Penang at 6am. Stopping somewhere for breakfast around 8am. After breakfast, proceed to Batu Cave and lunch. Few interesting places to be added if time permitted and on schedule. Upon arrived Sungai Lembing around 6pm, team will be leaded to walk across the Hanging Bridge and reach resort for check-in. BBQ or steamboat or set dinner will be served. After dinner, free and easy or enjoying karaoke session or play mahjong. (Roasted pork only available on every Saturday and sure I will bring the team for that before dinner.)

Day 2:
Early morning at 5:30am, everyone will be leaded to track up to Panorama Lembing Hill (45 min) to watch the beautiful sunrise and sea cloud. After return back to resort and enjoy the breakfast. Team will be leaded to visit Sungai Lembing Museum, Old Mining Tunnel. Back to resort, team may try the local food or Lembing famous Bean curd Noodle at Lembing food court (own cost). After lunch, team will visit to Pancing Cave and Pandan Waterfall.

Day 3:
Early morning at 5:30am, depart to food court for breakfast and team will be leaded and transfer to Rainbow Waterfall and pass through jungle track (1 hr) by lori, upon arrived parking bay, take another 45min walk to waterfall. You may see the rainbow on the wall of the hill when sun shining of the rising sun. Take rest and enjoy cool water swimming. Light lunch will be served. Back to resort and check-out. Journey back to Penang.

Please contact KK or YY at travelernetwork@gmail.com